Luigi artbook Threadless Tim Maia animation Promo Chip character design Poolga iPhone wallpapers

Creative Resumé


Geeky Bliss

Brew Dog art print

Brew Dog art print

Dad comic

My dad is the best dad – A little comic

War & Peace thumb

Poolga iPhone wallpapers: War & Peace

Pecha kucha poster thumb

Pecha Kucha Night Dundee poster

Theodore the Elephriend

Theodore the Elephriend

Let it be

Let it be – A Beatles tribute


Promo Prints

Dundee University nursing school

Nursing school character design


Threadless ‘Summer’ competition

SSC thumb

SelfService company web illustrations

Company style thumb

Momo & Sprits supporting visuals

Vikings thumb

“Ode to the North” art print

Luigi thumb

Game Icons: Luigi

footer image

All works © Momo & Sprits 2013. Please do not reproduce without the expressed written consent of Momo & Sprits.
E-mail: || Skype: momoandsprits || Address: 1/L Seymour Street, DD2 1HD Dundee UK